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First and foremost, I believe in each to their own. A person is beautiful no matter what they decide to adorn their body with – but I do have my own opinions.

Piercings are reversible. Mostly. I still have a lumpy horrible scar on the top of my ear from a piercing I got when I was 14 (and it was Oh So Cool)…little did I know that I am a keloid carrier and that wee scar will never leave me – unless I decide to pay $2,000 for plastic surgery and then have ongoing steriod shots into the scar to help it liquify and flatten out. I know. I went and saw a plastic surgeon about it. And instead, I changed the parting of my hair to the other side.

So I guess that is why I still have a stud in my belly button as well. When I was 14 (and Oh So Cool) I forged my mum’s signature and skipped on down to The Piercing Doctor (remember that guy? in the dodgy white truck at Vic Park Markets?) and shoved a titanium rod through my middle. I am too scared of what kind of lumpy horrible scar I might end up with should I take it out – and so it stays. A tiny gold bar with a tiny gold ball. The tiniest I can find so as not to draw attention to it. Mostly I just forget about it for months, until it gets caught on clothes and tugs and hurts a bit. Whatever – it’s just there.

Other than that – I have my ears pierced and that’s it. I like it that way.

My kind of tattoo

One of mum’s three rules when I was growing up was – “don’t come home with a tattoo” (along with “don’t come home pregnant”, and “don’t come home on the back of a motorbike”). Strangely enough, I stuck to those rules – and no ‘ink’ has come in contact with my skin. I’m not really a tattoo type of person – I admire some of the beautiful artwork that people do have on their bodies, but it just seems so permanent to me.

I’m not really attracted to guys that have tattoos either, although I know a lot of girls who dig it. Jase actually has a tattoo that goes right across his broad shoulders (and yes, I had to pre-warn my mother about that one – it is massive) – he got it when he was young. I don’t know whether he still loves it like he did then, I mean – it’s not like he see’s it every day. It does nothing for me – it doesn’t turn me off, but it certainly isn’t something that attracted me in the first place.

I still never say never though. Maybe one day I will want something that reminds me of something – permanently. I thought that when I lived in New York that I might have fancied getting a small apple somewhere – but now I am glad that I didn’t. If I did get something, it would be small and where I could easily hide it – for professional reasons, and so that I could say to mum “see mum, I stuck to your rules” 😉

Today I am wearing, surprise surprise…Icebreaker.

What might actually surprise you, is that I am wearing an Icebreaker DRESS. Yeah – we don’t just make wooly jumpers anymore, there is a bit of style going on! In fact, this season we have three new dress styles out, including a cute wrap dress and a beachy dress.

But this isn’t meant to be an ad for Icebreaker here!

So – I have this dress on:

I have teamed it with a gold, black and silver woven belt, a bright red long cardi from Max, some gold beads, and some super cute pale tan wedges (also from Max). Did you know that wearing light coloured shoes make you look taller? Yep…that’s why they are kicked off under the desk and I spend most of the day barefoot. #tryingtobetall #Fail.

Views of me

How do I think other people view me? Wow. Another hard one.

I like what Jane did over here, so I asked a few people what three words they thought described me best:

  • Creative
  • Passionate x 2
  • Committed
  • Full of life
  • Beautiful 
  • Generous x 3
  • Vivacious
  • Blue (what? Like a smurf Emily? No she said – Blue like your eyes and your clothes!)
  • Ambitious
  • Fun
  • Loving
  • Determined
  • Caring
  • Motivated
  • Dedicated x 2
  • Talented
  • Thoughtful
  • Hard working
  • Trustworthy
  • Enthusiastic
  • Adventurous
  • Leah is confident strong and ambitious but is also a loyal and generous soul who will do anything for her friends and family and expects and deserves the same in return (Shannon couldn’t count to three 😉 )

And a few I pulled from facebook:

  • Pretty much the biggest legend I know
  • A sucker for punishment
  • A big nutbox (thanks Shan for all of those)

What I thought was most interesting was quite a few people said the same things! That’s kinda cool!

Thanks so much to Nats, Brooke, Liz, Kaylee, Cathy, Emily, Ellie and Shannon! You are all such lovely friends to have 🙂

Well hello there 30 days of interpretations…and what a way to kick it off. Why not make it a hard one why don’t you?

How do I view myself?

I guess firstly I think of the things that define me, you know, the stuff. Like that I work in PR, I enjoy scrapbooking, NZ music, taking photos and travelling (although I like to call it exploring – because I love exploring new places within my own country just as much as overseas).  I am a bit of a nana because I like my nights at home, I like watching trashy TV, I like going to the gym and getting a sweat on…

But then if I think a bit deeper (and harder), my own personality traits come up…

I am caring and generous, I am a good friend and listener. I can be crabby and can’t take criticism – I retreat into my shell. I can be extroverted and the life of the party one minute, and the next I just want to be on my own. Sometimes I am shy and anxious, and the next I can be over confident. I doubt my own ability. I am a homemaker and my surroundings are important to me. I love, and have a large heart. I put up a wall and show a hard shell to protect myself from getting hurt. I need love and I crave security. I can have the determination of steel when I put my mind to something, however can easily talk myself out of things. I am optimistic and find negativity hard to deal with. I laugh. I am always trying to prepare for the future – whatever that is. I dream. I am organised and an organiser. I am sensitive (sometimes overly) but can be empathetic. I need lots of attention. I am loyal. I am creative.

I am me.

When I read all of things – I really am a typical cancerian (yes, I do buy in to the star sign thing – I know a lot of people don’t, but I do!).

A few of us gals were chatting about our blogs and “what’s next now that #30daysofme is over and done with?” earlier today, and Jane suggested we pick up on Alice’s 30 days of interpretation. Yay for more blog prompts!

So – starting Wednesday, I am going to blog about the following topics:

  1. How do you view yourself?
  2. How do you think other people view you?
  3. Your clothing today
  4. Your views on tattoos and/or piercings
  5. What are you looking forward to the most in your future?
  6. Your favourite hot drink
  7. Your earliest childhood memory
  8. A detailed account of your day (or yesterday for blogging earlybirds)
  9. The last film you saw at a cinema
  10. The place that makes you feel safest
  11. Your favourite toy/hobby/sport/etc. as a child
  12. A typical Saturday night in your life
  13. Your favourite quote or word
  14. Your favourite character from a TV show
  15. Your celebrity crush
  16. The biggest fear you had as a child
  17. Yourself in 10 years
  18. What you wore to high school
  19. Your favourite way to travel
  20. Your favourite season
  21. Your regular order at a café or restaurant
  22. The worst thing about your hometown
  23. The best party you have been to or hosted
  24. Your favourite book or poem
  25. Something that makes you angry or upset
  26. The best date of your life
  27. Your favourite scene from a film
  28. Your favourite room of your house
  29. Yourself at age 75
  30. A summary of yourself

You can follow this on twitter – #30interpretation. Who else is joining in?