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I have a little bit of a crush. Ok, a lot of crush. And it’s not on one person – it’s on two…and the magic that they create together.

Before you start imaginging weird and wonderful things, let me introduce to you the incredibly talented Coralee & Alex. Coralee and I went to high school together – way back when (and it really is WAY back). Through the joys of facebook, I have been able to stalk them slightly and look at their photos.

Oh but these aren’t just any photos. Coralee & Alex have their own business taking photos of engagements, weddings, pregnant bellies, kiddies and families. They are incredibly talented and have such an eye for their shots – it makes me wish I could take photos as well as they do (one day!). The colours, the locations, the poses, the intimacy – the things they manage to capture on film are just gorgeous.

They recently posted photos of an engagement shoot with a lovely couple, kites and icecreams – the photos are just so beautiful I keep going back to see them again and again and again.

Go and check them out, and browse through their albums.

One day I hope to be giving these two amazing people a wee phonecall to come and shoot my engagement, wedding, preggy belly and family. In the meantime, I am gonna keep on crushing on them 😉

p.s. I am also crushing on Rachael’s website (one half of the gorgeous engagement shoot). LOVE ❤

Back in May I took a photography course at the Wellington Community Education Centre to learn how to use the manual functions on my Canon Eos 1000D. Totally worth doing, and hopefully the things I learnt will only improve my photography the more I play around with my camera.

One saturday all my classmates met down at the Wellington waterfront where we had a bunch of photos to take for an assignment. This was my favourite shot of the day:

I shot this looking down between some chains under the wharf. I love how the light managed to catch the fish swimming around down there, and the barnacles attached to the wharf poles. Needless to say, this was a bit of a fluke shot!