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Surprise Surprise – I had barely finished (ok, truth – I hadn’t finished!) my LSNED album, before I was thinking about the next project! Natalie mentioned that Journal Your Christmas was a great class to take and so I was all sorted to sign up for that in November.

But then I saw Ali Edwards’ December Daily album and I fell in love. I decided to purchase her page overlays and get started. I spent Thursday night printing the overlays on white linen paper and cutting them down to size.

I have since decided to combine the two – based on a forum I read over on two peas. I love Shimelle’s prompts and really want to look at the christmas season with new eyes; however as I will be travelling for the first two weeks (New York, YUSS) I needed something like the Dec Daily layouts to keep it simple.

And yes, I do know it is only October – but with moving house, work being insanely busy & travelling – I figured getting started now wouldn’t hurt! Here are the thickers, letters, embellishments and papers I plan on using.

Today I went through my whole stash and pulled out any christmas themed embellishments and papers – turns out I had a LOT more than I thought I did*. Fingers crossed this is going to be another stash busting project (I gotta stop buying, gotta start using it all coz I won’t be taking it with me when we go overseas!).

I am also about to sign up for the True Stories class – to continue developing my journalling skills. Woah – scrapbooking hardout much?!

*I may or may not have accidentally visited a couple of scrapbooking stores in order to ensure I had enough Christmas themed stash…