Monday: 55min step class. Was AWESOME.

Tuesday: 45min express Pump class

Wednesday: 45min Shape up for Summer Team Training workout of the week

Thursday: 45min RPM class

Friday: Day off

Saturday: 4.5hour tramp – along the Orongoronga track, up Cattle Ridge track and back down Butcher Track.

Sunday: Day off

Monday: 6km run on the treadmill (I am including the public holiday in last week)

At the end of our 4.5hour tramp

Weight loss to date: back to where I started 😦 I dunno if I am having a “fat morning” or whether some of the crap food (Nacho’s, wine, chippies) I ate over the weekend counteracted all the exercise I have done in the last 5 weeks – but the reality is the scales were back up this morning. Just means this week I gotta work even harder!